The Pokémon Company is continuing to promote its extensive and official collaboration with Hatsune Miku! Read on below to learn more: 【Project VOLTAGE】リンレンミク「ゴー!ビッパ団」ワンオポ / GO! Team BIPPA short ver. 【リンレンミク】ゴー!ビッパ団【ワンオポ】 / GO! Team BIPPA キミも ビッパだんに はいらないか!?▶はい いいえ 【Streming / Download】 (2/2 24:00~)【Off Vocal】…. ポケモン feat. 初音ミク Project VOLTAGE 18 Types/Songs / pokemikuvoltage ©2024 Pokémon. ©1995-2024 … Continue reading Video: Watch the short version of the 10th official Pokémon feat. Hatsune Miku Project Voltage song and music video – “Go! Bidoof Group” by Wonderful☆Opportunity