Pokémon Café Mix, the touch-based puzzle game for Nintendo Switch and mobile devices, has received a revamp, along with a new name—Pokémon Café ReMix. Updates include new puzzle elements, more Pokémon, new dress-up options and more ways of growing and developing staff Pokémon. Read on below to learn more: 📢今月のプレミアムコースでゴールまで到達すると、 #テールナー の特別なきせかえ「ハロウィン」がもらえる🎃得意料理も「メイン」に変わるよ🍝オーダーをたくさんクリアしてゴールを目指そう‼️#ポケモン #ポケまぜ pic.twitter.com/QRwB6ok8lB — … Continue reading New Team Event called Mismagius’s Halloween Party will be added to Pokémon Café ReMix on October 19