Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet are now available for Nintendo Switch. Lead-Up to a Mighty Mewtwo Showdown: Prepare the Offense! Turn Strong Foes into Powerful Allies! To prepare for the appearance of Mewtwo with the Mightiest Mark, additional Tera Raid Battle events will be held, allowing you to easily get ahold of stat-boosting items, TMs, … Continue reading During the Pokémon Scarlet and Violet 5-star Tera Raid Battle event featuring Scizor, Blissey and Hydreigon, rewards include Protein, Calcium, Carbos, TM088 (Swords Dance), TM100 (Dragon Dance), TM129 (Calm Mind), TM140 (Nasty Plot) Blissey, Tera Shards, Exp. Candies