Official Pokémon Music Collective album will be released in Japan on September 27 featuring at least two new songs: Ghost-type by Polkadot Stingray and LEVEL UP! by Matt Cab, BBY NABE and CharLu
The official Pokémon Music Collective has been announced by The Pokémon Company and Universal Music. The Pokémon Music Collective is a new initiative that consists of iconic Pokémon game music recreated by talented artists, including imase, ENHYPEN and Michael Kaneko: 『ポケットモンスター』シリーズのゲームサウンドをもとに新しい音楽を世に届ける「Pokemon Music Collective」。第3弾はシンガーソングライター・Michael Kanekoさんの「1999」!くわしくはこちら! #PokemonMusicCollective — ポケモン公式ツイッター (@Pokemon_cojp) August 2, 2023 Pokémon X ENHYPEN … Continue reading Official Pokémon Music Collective album will be released in Japan on September 27 featuring at least two new songs: Ghost-type by Polkadot Stingray and LEVEL UP! by Matt Cab, BBY NABE and CharLu