Pokémon Sleep 10 million download commemorative gift now available for all players featuring 1,000 sleep points, three Ingredient Ticket S, five Poké Biscuit and one Good Camp Ticket, a special item that lets you borrow a Good Camp Set for seven days to aid your research and help you raise Snorlax
New content and updates are regularly being released for Pokémon Sleep. Read on below to learn more: Pokémon Sleep Celebrates Ten Million Downloads In-Game Commemorative Gift Marking the Milestone and New In-Game Event Coming Soon Bellevue, Wash. — August 25, 2023 — The Pokémon Company International announced today that Pokémon Sleep, the sleep tracker app that … Continue reading Pokémon Sleep 10 million download commemorative gift now available for all players featuring 1,000 sleep points, three Ingredient Ticket S, five Poké Biscuit and one Good Camp Ticket, a special item that lets you borrow a Good Camp Set for seven days to aid your research and help you raise Snorlax