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August 2023

Pokémon Sleep 10 million download commemorative gift now available for all players featuring 1,000 sleep points, three Ingredient Ticket S, five Poké Biscuit and one Good Camp Ticket, a special item that lets you borrow a Good Camp Set for seven days to aid your research and help you raise Snorlax

New content and updates are regularly being released for Pokémon Sleep. Read on below to learn more: Pokémon Sleep Celebrates Ten Million Downloads In-Game Commemorative Gift Marking the Milestone and New In-Game Event Coming Soon Bellevue, Wash. — August 25, 2023 — The Pokémon Company International announced today that Pokémon Sleep, the sleep tracker app that … Continue reading Pokémon Sleep 10 million download commemorative gift now available for all players featuring 1,000 sleep points, three Ingredient Ticket S, five Poké Biscuit and one Good Camp Ticket, a special item that lets you borrow a Good Camp Set for seven days to aid your research and help you raise Snorlax

Niantic confirms issue where Pokémon GO freezes after a few moments of playing for some Trainers using an iPhone after updating to version 279.3 and says this issue is resolved by uninstalling and reinstalling Pokémon GO

Niantic has updated the official Known Issues support page for Pokémon GO. Read on below to learn more: iOS users experience intermittent freezing Last Updated: 15h Issue description: After updating to version 279.3, Pokémon GO freezes after a few moments of playing for some Trainers using an iPhone.Issue status: This issue is resolved by uninstalling and reinstalling … Continue reading Niantic confirms issue where Pokémon GO freezes after a few moments of playing for some Trainers using an iPhone after updating to version 279.3 and says this issue is resolved by uninstalling and reinstalling Pokémon GO

Niantic confirms Pokémon GO issue where Mega Rayquaza is not granting additional damage boosts to Flying-, Psychic- and Dragon-type Pokémon when included in a Raid Battle Party but not currently battling

Niantic has updated the official Known Issues support page for Pokémon GO. Read on below to learn more: Mega Rayquaza not providing additional damage boosts when in a Raid Battle Party Last Updated: 15h Issue details: When included in a Raid Battle Party but not currently battling, Mega Rayquaza is not granting additional damage boosts to … Continue reading Niantic confirms Pokémon GO issue where Mega Rayquaza is not granting additional damage boosts to Flying-, Psychic- and Dragon-type Pokémon when included in a Raid Battle Party but not currently battling

Niantic confirms Pokémon GO issue where Shadow Hisuian Sneasel and Shadow Sneasler do not feature the purple shadow effect, they are not be eligible to participate in GO Battle League at this time

Niantic has updated the official Known Issues support page for Pokémon GO. Read on below to learn more: Shadow Hisuian Sneasel and Shadow Sneasler do not feature Shadow Effects Last Updated: 15h Issue Description: Shadow Hisuian Sneasel and Shadow Sneasler do not feature the purple shadow effect despite being caught in Shadow Raids. Due to other … Continue reading Niantic confirms Pokémon GO issue where Shadow Hisuian Sneasel and Shadow Sneasler do not feature the purple shadow effect, they are not be eligible to participate in GO Battle League at this time

Video: Episode 20 of Pokémon Horizons The Series airs on September 1 in Japan, new trailer available now

A new episodic animated Pokémon adventure called Pokémon Horizons: The Series by The Pokémon Company is now officially airing in Japan. Check out the video below for a sneak peek at an upcoming episode: 【公式】アニメ「ポケットモンスター」9月1日(金)放送分予告「カブさんのバトル修行」 9月1日(金)放送分予告「カブさんのバトル修行」 ポケットモンスター、縮めてポケモン。 この星の不思議な不思議な生き物。 空、海、森、街の中と至る所でその姿を見ることができる。 不思議なペンダントを持つパルデア出身の少女、リコ。 謎のモンスターボールを持つカントー出身の少年、ロイ。 広大なポケットモンスターの世界を舞台に リコとロイの新たな冒険が始まる! ふたりを待ち受ける出会い、そして運命とは─!? これは、冒険を通じて大事な何かを「見つける」物語。 アニメ「ポケットモンスター」 テレビ東京系にて毎週金曜よる6時55分から放送! ※一部地域では放送日時が異なります。 ▼アニメ「ポケットモンスター」公式サイトはこちら… ▼アニメ「ポケットモンスター」公式Twitterはこちら アニポケに関するクイズや豆知識、制作の舞台裏をお届け中! Tweets by anipoke_PR … Continue reading Video: Episode 20 of Pokémon Horizons The Series airs on September 1 in Japan, new trailer available now

Pokémon GO Fest 2023: Global now underway in the Asia-Pacific region on August 26 and 27 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. local time each day, new Special Research available now and players can collect new Field Research tasks from PokéStops each hour on Saturday

Niantic is continuing to announce new events and content for Pokémon GO. Read on below to learn more: Pokémon GO Fest 2023 details revealed: Ultra Unlock, habitat times, and more! Trainers, Are you ready for the biggest event of the year? Pokémon GO Fest 2023: Global is almost here, and we’re excited to share some … Continue reading Pokémon GO Fest 2023: Global now underway in the Asia-Pacific region on August 26 and 27 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. local time each day, new Special Research available now and players can collect new Field Research tasks from PokéStops each hour on Saturday

Niantic releases new recap promo video for Pokémon GO Fest 2023 events that recently took place in London, New York and Osaka

Niantic is continuing to announce new events and content for Pokémon GO. Read on below to learn more: That’s a wrap on #PokemonGOFest2023: London, New York, and Osaka! We hope you had just as much fun as we did, Trainers! A big thank you to everyone who came out to adventure with us. Next: Pokémon … Continue reading Niantic releases new recap promo video for Pokémon GO Fest 2023 events that recently took place in London, New York and Osaka

Snorlax wearing a cowboy hat is appearing in three-star raids for the first time in Pokémon GO during Pokémon GO Fest 2023: Global

Niantic is continuing to announce new events and content for Pokémon GO. Read on below to learn more: Pokémon GO Fest 2023 details revealed: Ultra Unlock, habitat times, and more! Trainers, Are you ready for the biggest event of the year? Pokémon GO Fest 2023: Global is almost here, and we’re excited to share some … Continue reading Snorlax wearing a cowboy hat is appearing in three-star raids for the first time in Pokémon GO during Pokémon GO Fest 2023: Global

New song and video starring Pikachu, Eevee, Sandshrew, and Piplup trying to wake up Snorlax now available on Pokémon Kids TV

In 2019, The Pokémon Company opened a brand-new YouTube channel called Pokémon Kids TV, which is aimed at young Pokémon fans. You can check out the latest batch of content uploaded to the channel in the embedded video below: [Pokemon Official] Can Snorlax get up? – Pokemon Kids TV [Children’s Song] A big Snorlax is … Continue reading New song and video starring Pikachu, Eevee, Sandshrew, and Piplup trying to wake up Snorlax now available on Pokémon Kids TV

The Pokémon Company launches new Art de Pokémon: Clay Edition series for Pokémon Kids TV

In 2019, The Pokémon Company recently opened a brand-new YouTube channel called Pokémon Kids TV, which is aimed at young Pokémon fans. You can check out the latest batch of content uploaded to the channel in the embedded video below: Art de Pokémon: Clay Edition | Learn & Play with Pokémon | Pokémon Kids TV​ … Continue reading The Pokémon Company launches new Art de Pokémon: Clay Edition series for Pokémon Kids TV